

Steiner cruise ship jobs interview at ISAS

Steiner conducted interviews and Skill tests @ ISAS International Beauty School, Pune and all the students who appeared where selected. The Biggest and Best Cruise Job Recruiter from London, Steiner, had their official to recruit candidates for their ever growing need for highly skilled candidates. Lorena Spas At SeaThank you so much for giving opportunity to our students for making great careers. Students were overwhelmed to hear her presentation and were are very excited to join the cruise ship jobs. Steiner has been selecting ISAS students since more than 4 years now looking and testing the quality of teaching and high professionalism. There are lot of success stories of ISAS students and we from ISAS would like to thank Steiner and Air Borne from the bottom of our heart to give such great opportunities to ISAS Students. We at ISAS would like to wish students the very best for their high flying career in the years to come.